Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Oh My Ra... Tendershipping!

Aku nggak tau gimana ceritanya! Yang pasti sekarang aku lagi nyasar di Tendershipping!
Padahal sumpah... NGGAK pernah nyangka bakal suka sama pairing ini! Dalam konten percintaan lagi! Entah kenapa... aku ngerasa Ryou yang manis cocok banget sama Bakura! Hmm... apa karena kepribadiaan mereka ya? Karena Ryou yang seperti malaikat itu dipasangin sama iblis kayak Bakura. Rasanya cocok aja... Walaupun masih dengan satu syarat tentunya... NGGAK boleh ada Marik dalam cerita itu! Aku masih berpikir siapapun yang mendekati Bakura selain Marik itu SELINGKUH! Dan Ryou bukan pengecualian dalam hal ini... *possesive mode on*

Yes, I'm EVIL... To be continue...

Monday, 4 October 2010

Marik's Evil Council

Ada yang tahu sama YGOTAS? Itu lho, parody buatan LittleKuriboh yang di-dub dari anime aslinya. Selain buat video episod parody, LittleKuriboh juga buat beberapa video parody lainnya, seperti Zorc and Pals dan Marik's Evil Council. Karena menarik, mangkanya aku masukin transcripnya di blog ini. Selamat menikmati, bagi yang nggak tahu artinya, buka aja google translate! (Link video menyusul).

Marik's Evil Council 1
Somewhere in Egypt...
MARIK: Welcome, gentlemen. I'm glad to see you all came. I have assembled all the Yu-Gi-Oh! villains into one place. This night shall see the end of Yugi Muto and his bum chum, the Pharaoh! With our combined evil, we shall defeat him! ...Somehow! Now for the evil roll call! Maximillion Pegasus!
PEGASUS: This evil council is simply fabulous!
MARIK: Bakura!
YAMI BAKURA: Word to your mama.
MARIK: Rex Raptor and Weevil Underwood!
REX: He said "wood."
WEEVIL: Oh, yeah. Heheheheheh.
MARIK: Zorc!
ZORC: Helloooooo, Dallas!
MARIK: Zombie boy!
BONZ: Brains! [I like turtles.]
MARIK: Sid and Zygor!
ZYGOR: Duh.....
MARIK: And finally, Ak... Ak-Ak-Akhun... how do you pronounce this? Akhuna... Hakuna Matata? Look, I'm just going to call you Bob, okay?
AKHENADEN: (mumbles incoherently)
MARIK: Yes, okay. Now then, on to business. Evil business! Nyeh-heh-heh-heh!
YAMI BAKURA: Wait a minute. Is this it? These are all the villains from Yu-Gi-Oh?
MARIK: What are you blathering about?
YAMI BAKURA: Come on, this can't be it. There's got to be more. I mean, what about Kaiba?
MARIK: We don't need Kaiba. He would just slow us down with all his money and resources. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
YAMI BAKURA: He turned you down, didn't he?
MARIK: Look, just shut the [EFF!] up! Kaiba isn't one of us! He's not villain material; he's more like an anti-hero: the worst kind of hero there is! They give us villains a good name!
PEGASUS: But wait; I'm not a villain either!
MARIK: Of course you're a villain! You were going to kill innocent people just to bring back your stupid dead slut of a wife, remember?
PEGASUS: I was just confused. I didn't know what I was doing. Honestly!
YAMI BAKURA: Is that what you told your parents when they caught you making out with your boyfriend?
REX: Heh-heh, heheyeah.
WEEVIL: Yeah. Heheheheh! Umm... I don't get it.
MARIK: Silence! I command you all to shut the [EFF!] up. We didn't come here to discuss Pegasus's ambiguous sexual orientation-
ZORC: I did!
MARIK: Shut up! What we came here to do is defeat Yugi Muto, once and for all!
BONZ: Brains. [I came here for the free tacos.]
MARIK: By the way, there are no free tacos; that was a lie.
BONZ: Brains... [It figures.]
YAMI BAKURA: So how are we going to defeat Yugi? Are we going to kill him? Because I would be totally on board with that. Especially if it involves knives. I like knives. They make me feel all tingly...
MARIK: No! We won't kill Yugi Muto! That would be too obvious!
YAMI BAKURA: Too fun, more like it...
MARIK: Drum roll, please. (pause) Come on, is it too much to ask for a [EFF!]ing drum roll? (drum roll starts) Thank you, for God's sake... In order to defeat Yugi Muto, we're going to... play a children's card game with him! Dun-dun-duuuuun! (drum roll continues)
YAMI BAKURA: That's your plan?
PEGASUS: I already did that.
WEEVIL: Yeah, me too, heh-heh.
MARIK: This will be no ordinary card game. It will... look, you can stop the drum roll now! (drum roll stops) Thank you. This card game will take place... on a boat!
MARIK: Yes. Ingenious, isn't it?
YAMI BAKURA: Why a boat?
MARIK: Because, when he loses the card game... we'll... push him over the edge of the boat! ...Into the sea!
YAMI BAKURA: And what, pray tell, will that accomplish?
MARIK: Well, his hair will be soaked. It'll take him hours to dry it.
YAMI BAKURA: Why do we even need to play a card game? Why can't we just push him off the boat?
MARIK: ... No! The card game is integral to the plot! The evil plot! Of which I am the evil mastermind!
REX: Uh... hey! Where are all the chicks?
WEEVIL: Yeah, heh-heh, where are the chicks?
MARIK: What did they just say?
YAMI BAKURA: I think he wants to know why there aren't any women here.
MARIK: Foolish fools! There are no women in Yu-Gi-Oh! There are only extremely girly men! And I am the most girly of them all!
PEGASUS: Keep telling yourself that.
YAMI BAKURA: Look, if we're going to defeat Yugi, we need to think of something truly evil. Something that doesn't involve children's card games.
MARIK: What? No card games? You're insane! ... I mean, more insane than the rest of us!
ZORC: I have an idea!
MARIK: Oh? And what's your idea, giant monster man?
ZORC: Why don't we destroy the world? (pause) People usually laugh when I say that...
MARIK: Well, we're not laughing. By the way, what is that thing on your crotch? You know, that dragon... head... thing.
ZORC: Oh, that's my willy.
MARIK: Geez, man, put some [EFF!]ing pants on, will you?! What about you Bob, do you have any ideas?
AKHENADEN: (incoherent mumbling)
MARIK: Yeah that's great, shut up.
YAMI BAKURA: Wait a minute, if these are all the Yu-Gi-Oh! villains, then where are the stupid motorcycle freaks? You know, the ones from season four?
MARIK: You mean the season nobody liked?
YAMI BAKURA: That's the one.
MARIK: I didn't invite them; they're just a bunch of dorks.
YAMI BAKURA: For once, we agree on something.
DARTZ: This is an outrage! Marik is having an evil council meeting, and we're not invited! They've even got free tacos, the bastards!
ALISTER: That Marik is so mean, boss!
VALON: Crikey, mate, put another shrimp on the barbie, wotcher!
RAFAEL: Zug zug.
DARTZ: We're not going to let him get away with this. We'll have our own evil council, and ours will be much better. And we'll have pizza! Pizza is better than tacos. Isn't that right, my evil motorcycle-riding henchmen?
ALISTER: Hooray!
RAFAEL: Zug zug.
MARIK: Come on, one of you mother[EFF!]ers must have a decent plan to defeat Yugi!
ZYGOR: Duh, I've got an idea.
MARIK: Oh, goody. The big lurching freakjob has an idea. Well, go ahead and sock it to us, big man.
ZYGOR: Duh, what if we stole his Millennium Item while he's asleep? Then he won't be able to stop us.
MARIK: That's the dumbest idea I've ever heard! You go to the back of the class!
ZYGOR: Doh, I'm so stupid...
BONZ: Brains! [Leave him alone!]
MARIK: What is it, zombie boy? Do you have an idea that doesn't involve eating people's brains?
BONZ: Brains... [Well, actually...]
YAMI BAKURA: Enough of this! There's only one way to truly defeat Yugi Muto, and I know what it is!
MARIK: For the last time, we're not killing him! Even if we did, those [EFF!]tards would just censor it!
YAMI BAKURA: We're not going to kill him.
MARIK: Then tell us, Fluffy, what shall we do?
YAMI BAKURA: I told you not to call me Fluffy in public.
MARIK: Well, you're asking for it. Look at you! You look like a human Furby, for [EFF!]'s sake!
WEEVIL: I had a Furby once. I made it say stuff like, "I like to touch myself," heh-heh, and, like, "Boobies are great!", heh-heh! Furbies are cool.
YAMI BAKURA: Listen to me, damnit. The only way to defeat Yugi Muto is to spam his YouTube profile.
MARIK: Spam his what?
YAMI BAKURA: His YouTube profile. If we can send hundreds of rude messages to his YouTube profile, he'll have no choice but to surrender to our superior might.
MARIK: That does actually sound like a good idea. It's very evil! I like it. Now, let's go defeat Yugi Muto once and for all!
SID: Oy, I didn't get any lines!
MARIK: Save it for the next video, Red.
AKHUNADIN: (incoherent mumbling)
MARIK: You said it, Bob!
DARTZ: And so, in order to defeat Marik, we shall spam his YouTube account!
ALISTER: Great idea, boss!
VALON: Stone the flaming crows, the dingos ate my baby! Wotcher!
DARTZ: I'm surrounded by idiots...
RAFAEL: Zug zug.

Marik's Evil Council 2
Somewhere in Egypt...
BAKURA: So to answer your question Zombie Boy, my favorite movie of all time is Cannibal Holocaust, because of all the blood.
BONZ: Brains! (Sounds gross!)
BAKURA: I know. I give it two severed thumbs up.
MARIK: Silence! It is time for our annual meeting.
BAKURA: We can't start yet. Pegasus is still applying his make-up.
MARIK: Oh. I suppose we should just wait for him then.
MARIK: So, anyone know any good jokes?
ZYGOR: Duh, could I have some make-up too?
MARIK: Oh, hey, Bakura, you should do your impression of Yugi Muto.
BAKURA: I don't do an impression of Yugi Muto.
MARIK: Don't be so modest. It's [EFF!]ing brilliant. Come on, we all want to hear it. Isn't that right, my Evil Council of Doom?
ZORC: Not really.
REX: Uhhh, no.
WEEVIL: Yeah, hehe, no.
MARIK: I command you to want to hear it! Or else I shall thrust my rod at you!
REX: Uhhh, okay?
MARIK: That's right! You do as the rod commands!
BAKURA: Well, since you put me on the spot... (clears throat) (in the same voice) Hey everyone. I'm Yugi Muto. Super special awesome.
MARIK: Ahhahahaha! That is exactly what he sounds like!
REX: Huhuhuhuh, you should do Marik next.
WEEVIL: Yeah, hehe, do him!
MARIK: What? No! Nobody shall do me! I forbid it!
BAKURA: Come on Marik, it's just a bit of harmless fun.
MARIK: It won't be harmless when I stab you in the eye socket and drain your skull of all its fluids!
BAKURA: As you wish... binky-boy.
Council laughs
MARIK: I never say that! And if I did, it was because I was making fun of you.
PEGASUS: I am now sufficiently glamorous.
BAKURA: Yes, nothing says "evil" quite like womany eyeliner.
MARIK: Enough! I call this meeting to order. Zombie boy, as the group's secretary, I want you to transcribe everything we say.
BONZ: Brains. (Gotcha.)
MARIK: Our first order of business is to discuss what went wrong with our last plan; it was a total and utter sham! Sham, I say! And that’s a word I don’t often use. Sham. Shamitty sham, sham!
BAKURA: Well, I think that-
BAKURA: Are you quite finished?
MARIK: Perhaps.
SID: Well, I reckon it failed because Yugi never logs into his YouTube account. He spends all his time playing card games.
MARIK: Is that right, Mr. Know-it-all? Then why didn't you raise this point at our last meeting?!
SID: Well, you didn't give me any lines!
MARIK: Didn't I? Well, then, let me do you a favor, Red. Since you like talking so much, I'll let you choose precisely what to say when I explode your brain with my Millennium Rod!
SID: I never saw Friends!
insert exploding head – think scanners
REX: Whoa! Huhuhuhuhuh! His head, like, exploded and stuff. Cool!
WEEVIL: Yeah, hehe. It was just like that one time when we put that frog in the microwave!
MARIK: Let this be a lesson to all of you: never question my evil plans, no matter how stupid they may be!
BAKURA: Actually, that was my evil plan.
MARIK: Oh. Well, in that case, I'm sorry, Sid. Your criticisms were perfectly acceptable. ...Sid?
ZYGOR: You killed him! You killed my best friend! You monster!
MARIK: Yes, I suppose I did... oh well. On to the next matter on the agenda! I would now like to introduce the newest member of our Evil Council!
REBECCA: Hello, everybody. My name's Rebecca.
BAKURA: You invited an 8-year old girl to join our Council? Really, Marik; I would expect this sort of thing from Pegasus; but not from you.
MARIK: It's not the girl I’m interested in. It's... the bear!
BAKURA: The bear?
MARIK: Yes, with that bear at our side nothing can stop us. Not even Yugi Muto!
BAKURA: Marik, have you been using your Millennium Item as a bong again?
MARIK: No! And it was one time! Let it go already!
REBECCA: Say hello to all the nice people, Teddy.
TEDDY: i'LL sWAllOw yOUr sOUlS!
MARIK: See?! See how utterly evil it is?! Truly it is an abomination!
ZORC: Awww,look at his little nose! I want to hug him!
TEDDY: TouCH mE aND DiE, UncLEan oNE!
ZORC: It's so precious. I want a teddy bear.
TEDDY: YoUR dEAThs sHaLL NOt come swiftly! YoU wiLL sUFFeR tHE uNeNdINg wrATH oF bEElzEBuB!
MARIK: Everybody shut the [EFF!] up! I command you all to stop acting like children!
REBECCA: But I'm eight years old; I can't help it.
PEGASUS: Hello, little girl. Would you like to see my funny bunny?
MARIK: Pegasus, stop trying to molest children and help me think of a plan to defeat Yugi Muto! A plan so evil that even the cruelest and most ruthless organization known to man wouldn't be able to conceive of it.
BAKURA: You mean 4Kids?
MARIK: Well, I was trying to be subtle, but yes. That is who I meant.
TEDDY: WhY dON't yOU jUSt sTaB hIm iN tHe fAcE wItH a KnIfE?
BAKURA: I already suggested that in the last video. Bloody newbie...
TEDDY: ThE mAgGoTs oF heLL aRe waITiNg tO fEAsT oN yOUr cOrPSe.
BAKURA: Little girl, can you please try to control your teddy bear?
BAKURA: I am not a kitty!
MARIK: Oh shut up, Kitty. We need to think of a plan; something sadistic and juvenile.
WEEVIL: We could, like, put a bunch of M-80s down his toilet.
REX: Hehehehe, yeah. Or, like, send him a bunch of prank phone calls.
MARIK: How is that going to defeat Yugi?
REX: I dunno know, dude.
WEEVIL: Yeah, hehe. We're just here for the chicks.
MARIK: Oh yes... I forgot...
REX: Hey, baby. Huhuhuhuhuhuh. Come to Raptor.
REBECCA: Ewww! You guys have cooties.
MARIK: Your mother has cooties!
TEDDY: YoUR mOThEr pLAys cARd gAmEs iN heLL!
MARIK: I know; that's because I killed her. *phone rings*
TEDDY: oH. *phone still rings*
MARIK: Just a second, I have to get the phone. *answers phone* Yes, what the [EFF!] is it?
DARTZ (on phone): Hello. Is your refrigerator running?
MARIK: I don't have a [EFF!]ing refrigerator! I'm an evil mastermind who lives underground in [EFF!]ing Egypt, for [EFF!]s sake! Why would I need a refrigerator?!
DARTZ (on phone): Then you had better go and catch it! *hangs up*
MARIK: What?! What the [EFF!] is that supposed to mean?! Oh I see; that was a prank call. Well, you'd have to get up pretty early in the morning to make me look bad, binky-boy!
BAKURA: I told you he said it.
MARIK: Shut up, Kitty!
The scene shifts to Dartz's hideout.
SUBTITLE: Meanwhile...
DARTZ: Curses! My cunning plan to fool Marik into believing his refrigerator was running has been foiled! We shall have to rethink our strategy. Isn't that right, my evil motorcycle-riding henchmen?
ALISTER: We can't hear you boss; we're too busy riding our motorcycles.
DARTZ: Curse you and your motorcycle-riding!
RAFAEL: Zug, zug.
The scene returns to Marik's lair.
BAKURA: I have an idea, Marik. Why don’t you just use your Millennium Rod to take control of Yugi's mind? Then, he can just defeat himself.
MARIK: You fool! Don't you know that my Millennium Rod is powerless against Yugi? It only works on people called "Steve". Why do you think all the Rare Hunters have the same name?
BAKURA: Wait a minute; if that's true, then why did it work on Bandit Keith?
MARIK: Well, duh! His middle name is Steve! Just check his Wikipedia page if you don't believe me.
BAKURA: Oh... well that's a rather annoying limitation.
MARIK: Look, I don't make the rules. The rod only works on guys called "Steve"... and girls called "Steve"... but believe me, those are really hard to find.
PEGASUS: I know a few.
MARIK: Why does that not surprise me? Look, one of us must have said something that would help us defeat Yugi. Zombie Boy, pass me the transcript of the meeting.
BONZ: Brains. (Here you go.)
MARIK: Let's see now, "Brains, brains, brai-" What?! This just says the word "brains" over and over again! I told you to write down what we were saying!
BONZ: Brains! (But I did...)
MARIK: Enough! You're fired, Zombie Boy! I don't want to see you in this council ever again! Do you understand?
BONZ: Braaaiiins...! (You can't fire me, I quit!)
MARIK: Yeah, yeah. Have your desk cleared out by the end of the day. Well, that felt exceptionally good! I didn't defeat my arch-nemesis, but I did fire somebody. In the end, isn't that what being an evil genius is all about? Yes. Yes it is.
BAKURA: Let's celebrate by watching Cannibal Holocaust!
MARIK: Good idea, Kitty!
[one movie rental later...] *screaming in background*
MARIK: Wow. That is a lot of blood in this movie. Are those his kidneys?
BAKURA: Yes, Marik, those are his kidneys. Now please be quiet. I'm trying to watch.
MARIK: Are they going to kill that girl?
BAKURA: Marik, shut up. You're ruining it for me.
MARIK: (pause) What happens at the end? Do they get away?
BAKURA: Marik, please be quiet!
MARIK: ... I prefer comedy movies.
BAKURA: Uhhh...
MARIK: We should have rented something with Adam Sandler.
BAKURA: I thought you said you preferred comedy movies.
MARIK: I did. Oh I see, that was a joke. Well it wasn't funny. You know who is funny? Dane Cook. He is a funny man. I laugh at his material.
BAKURA: (looks very frustrated.)
MARIK: Just how much blood does that girl have anyway?

Marik's Evil Council 3
SUBITITLE: Somewhere in Egypt...?
YAMI BAKURA: Personally, I think they jumped the shark in season two. I mean, as much as I love watching people press a button over and over again--
LUMIS: Your opinions are so amusing.
UMBRA: Yeah, they amuse us!
LUMIS: Because they are so very wrong.
UMBRA: Wrong like Donkey Kong's schlong!
LUMIS: Season two was exceptional. You just did not get it.
YAMI BAKURA: Well then, don't even get me started on season five. I mean, come on. Time travel? What kind of deus ex machina bullsh*tery is that?
LUMIS: The time travel was also exceptional. You just did not get it.
UMBRA: You're slow man!
ZORC: I like Desmond.
YAMI BAKURA: Desmond is very much win. Unlike Hurley, who belongs right in the Shadow Realm.
TEDDY: People who watch Lost will spend eternity in the seventh circle of hell!
ZORC: As long as Desmond is with Penelope, I don't care.
MARIK: Silence!
LUMIS: Yes, silence. Everybody bow down to your digital ruler.
UMBRA: Bow down, muchachos!
MARIK: Hey! What part of "silence" don't you people understand?
LUMIS: The part where you apologize to us for having such a horrible attitude.
UMBRA: That part!
MARIK: Oh, well... in that case, I'm very sorry.
LUMIS: That's much better. Please, continue with your lame speech.
MARIK: Right, yes, well, as I was saying, uh... SILENCE!
YAMI BAKURA: ... Marik, nobody was saying anything.
MARIK: It was a preemptive silence!
YAMI BAKURA: Oh, so you silenced the silence. Good job.
MARIK: Yes, that silence didn't know what hit it! I would now like to call the third meeting of the Evil Council of Doom to order!
YAMI BAKURA: Before you go any further, can I ask why we're holding this meeting in Michigan?
MARIK: Well, our Egyptian hideout was destroyed in the last Christmas special, so we needed a change of scenery. I figured this was as good as any.
YAMI BAKURA: Marik, this place is home to that local animé convention, Youmacon. We're hardly inconspicuous.
MARIK: Precisely! It's perfect; we're hiding in plain sight. Everyone will just assume we're cosplayers.
YAMI BAKURA: Oh come now, we're not that evil.
MARIK: By the way, Bakura, your costume could use some work.
YAMI BAKURA: ... What?
MARIK: I mean I don't like to criticize, but it looks like your mother made that for you.
YAMI BAKURA: This isn't a costume, Marik. It's my clothes.
MARIK: Well, you could have done a better job is all I'm saying.
YAMI BAKURA: A better job of what?
PEGASUS: Are we actually going to defeat Yugi this time or are we going to prattle on about how fabulous we look? Because I know which I'd rather do.
REX: Huhuhuhuh, "do".
WEEVIL: Yeah. Heheheh.
MARIK: I was just getting to that, Pegasus! First I would like to introduce our newest members. May I present Steve Luna and Steve Umbris! They are both Steves of the highest caliber!
LUMIS: You best check yourselves, before you wreck yourselves.
UMBRA: Check checkity check yourselves!
MARIK: Also joining us is famous voice actor Dan Green!
DAN GREEN: Hi. I'm Dan Green.
YAMI BAKURA: What the bloody hell is he doing here? He's not a villain!
DAN GREEN: No, but I played a villain in one of the Pokémon movies.
MARIK: That was a good movie.
DAN GREEN: Yes. Yes, it was.
MARIK: Hey, is Ash Ketchum a dick in real life?
YAMI BAKURA: Marik, you had an evil plan to discuss...?
MARIK: What, evil plan? What the hell are you talking about?
MARIK: Oh, yes. That thing. I have concocted a plan so evil that it will make Bakura look like a harmless kitten. Even more so than he already does.
YAMI BAKURA: Not a kitty!
MARIK: We are going to find Yugi Moto, and ask him if we can borrow his puzzle. And then when he gives it to us, we don't give it back to him...
YAMI BAKURA: Marik, as much as I like this plan, I can't help but feel--
MARIK: For at least another two months.
YAMI BAKURA: Okay, forget what I just said.
PEGASUS: Why would you want to give it back to him?
MARIK: That's like the best part. We'll say something like "I'll get it back to you next Tuesday", but then he won't see it for like another seventy-eight days! He'll be so friggin' anxious! His anxiety level will be off the charts.
REX: That plan sucks.
WEEVIL: Yeah, it sucks!
MARIK: What are you guys anyway, a couple of rejected characters from Rugrats: All Grown Up?
WEEVIL: That show was stupid. The chicks were all flat.
REX: Yeah, and they like, used too many words.
LUMIS: On the moon, our evil plans are far greater than your pathetic earth plans.
UMBRA: Our plans are all up in your faaace~
LUMIS: For example, we shall capture Yugi Moto, take him to the deepest core of the moon and then flay him with moon rope until he screams for his uncle.
UMBRA: I thought he didn't have an uncle, man!
LUMIS: Yes. He will scream for his uncle that does not exist. That is how bad the flaying will be.
MARIK: How many times do I have to tell you people? There will be no flaying! Not after what happened to Bob.
LUMIS: He was a sacrifice the island demanded.
MARIK: And no more Lost references!
LUMIS: Very well.
UMBRA: ... 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42.
MARIK: What's that, your friggin' area code?
LUMIS: Yes. On the moon, our area codes will blow your effing mind.
UMBRA: Yeah, blow it right out of your skull!
LUMIS: Don't call us, we'll call you. From space.
MARIK: ...
(cuts to underwater base)
Deep beneath the ocean's surface... (Electric Eye plays)
ALISTER: Oh, great and powerful Dartz! How shall we defeat your nemesis, the dreaded Marik Ishtar?
VALON: Tell us, almighty one, so that we may do your bidding!
DARTZ: (sounding like Coiffio) Mah fwiends, dere is only one way to defeat that dooshbag... We will deoo him! (music stops)
RAFAEL: Um... did you say... "do him"?
DARTZ: (Dartz's hair color changes from light blue to red-orange) I said DEOO him! What part of 'deoo him' doncha understand, dooshbag!? (Dartz's hair color changes again, to indigo) We're gonna deoo him! Toogeda! All foh of us, we gonna deoo him. Deoo him hard and thowowowy. We will deoo him so hard dat he will feel it in the mo'ning when he wakes up.
ALISTER: Um, boss, are you serious?
DARTZ: (Hair changes to gray) Yes, you asshole! What, you want me to deoo you, too?
ALISTER: No, sir!
DARTZ: (Hair changes to pink)) Then keep your mouth shut, man. Okay, man? (Hair changes to light green) Yeah. So, we gonna deoo him... on motuhcycles.
VALON: Won't that be kind of... uncomfortable?
DARTZ: (Hair changes to dark green) What the [EFF!] you talkin' about, man?
RAFAEL: Yeah, I don't want to do anybody on a motorbike-
DARTZ: (Hair changes to red) DEOO!
RAFAEL: ...Are you saying "do", or "duel"?
DARTZ: (Hair changes to orange) DEOOOO!!
RAFAEL: ...So you want us to do Marik?
DARTZ: (Hair changes back to light blue) Yes, and I will stand here and watch you deoo him!
ALISTER: ...Well, okay then... Let's... go do Marik... I guess.
DARTZ: (Hair changes to black) Deoo him, dooshbags! Thowowowy!
(cuts back to Youmacon)
MARIK: So! Which of us shall ask Yugi to hand over the puzzle?
YAMI BAKURA: As our newest member, I nominate Dan Green.
MARIK: Interesting choice, Bakura.
YAMI BAKURA: Yes, well, I thought if anybody should show you how ridiculous you plan is, it should be the most inappropriate member of our team.
MARIK: Fly, Dan Green! Fly away and take the puzzle from that diminutive high school student! Fly towards victory!
DAN GREEN: ...Okay? (cuts to Dan Green talking to Yugi) Hello, I'm Dan Green. You may remember from such animated products as "Stepmother's Sin" and "The Little Panda Fighter".
YUGI: Can I help you with something?
DAN GREEN: (thinking) Oh dear, I completely forgot what I was supposed to be doing. Come on, Dan. Think! Hmm, I know! I'll just activate my sexy man voice. That usually works. (aloud) I'm going to do my laundry! Could I have some change?
YUGI: I guess that's okay. So is that everything?
DAN GREEN: Umm, yes. I think so.
(cuts back to Youmacon)
MARIK: It didn't work!
YAMI BAKURA: (sarcastically) Personally, I'm shocked.
MARIK: Dan Green, you are a most disappointing villain!
ALISTER: Okay, everybody, hold it!
VALON: We're here on behalf of Dartz.
RAFAEL: Mmhmm.
MARIK: Frig! Who let all these nerds in here?
YAMI BAKURA: Well it is an animé convention...
MARIK: What the [EFF!] do you guys want?
VALON: We're here to deliver a message from our master.
ALISTER: Yes! Apparently we have to... do you.
ALLISTER: Yeah. It's... kinda weird.
MARIK: It's also never gonna happen because I'm not gay!
YAMI BAKURA: Hahahahahahaha!
MARIK: What? What's so funny?
YAMI BAKURA: Come on, Marik, we all know.
MARIK: Know what?
REX: Uhhuhhuhhuh, yeah, we know.
WEEVIL: Yeah, heheh, we know.
PEGASUS: I definitely know.
MARIK: Know what?! What the hell does everybody know?!
YAMI BAKURA: Marik, I believe it's time you came out of the closet.
MARIK: Oh, what, just because a man like to dress effeminately, and hang out with another extremely attractive man, and read yaoi, and flaunt his gorgeous abs, and stroke a phallic symbol suggestively in every other scene, that automatically makes him gay?!
YAMI BAKURA: ...Kinda.
ZORC: Yeah, kinda.
MARIK: Ugh, you're all pricks.
YAMI BAKURA: Well then, no wonder you like us so much.
MARIK: Agh! I am one hundred percent straight! Honestly!
ALISTER: ...So can we do you now?
(Electric Eye plays over credits.)
[yessir, that's takahata101 as dartz!]

Bahas Psychoshipping

“Tapi ingatlah… Aku pasti akan bangkit kembali… Dan membunuhmu. He He. Karena sejak awal akulah kegelapan. Hya ha ha ha!”

“Huh... Kalau begitu… Menjinakkan kegelapan pun mungkin menarik…”

- Manga Yu-Gi-Oh! Volume 27: Lahirnya Dewa Kegelapan!!

Wooooooooooot! Psychoshipping!
Sudah aku tebak pasti mereka ada hubungan lain selain saling menghancurkan! Hahaha... Kata-kata Yami Marik di atas tadi benar-benar suggestive dan mengandung hints dari psychoshipping! (Echoing: in canon!). Bisa dibayangkan bagaimana kalau mereka saling dipasangkan. Benar-benar chaotic dan yang pasti akan jadi sangat menarik!  

To be continue...

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Bahas Bronzeshipping

Mulai dari sini Marik Ishtar adalah 'Malik' dan Yami Marik adalah 'Marik', okay, let's begin!
Hubungan antara dua kepribadian yang berkecamuk dalam satu tubuh, hubungan saling menjatuhkan satu sama lain. Hubungan tentang kontrol, yaitu pengendalian di atas orang lain. One True Pairing dari semua dua kepribadian dalam Yu-Gi-Oh. Pairing  tentang permainan pikiran, penyesalan, rasa sakit, dan 'kekuatan'.
Ya, kekuatan yang diharapkan Malik ada pada dirinya, kekuatan untuk menghadapi semuanya. Kekuatan untuk menghadapi semua takdir dan rasa sakit dalam menjadi suku penjaga makam. Dan karena ini semua tentang 'kekuatan', ia menciptakan sosok Marik dalam dirinya. Untuk melarikan diri dari kenyataan... kenyataan bahwa dirinya hancur, kenyataan bahwa takdir suku penjaga makam telah merampas semua darinya. Dan tidak ada kebebasan yang tersisa, karena itu ia melarikan diri, jauh dibalik pikirannya, dan membiarkan Marik yang mengambil alih. Walau untuk sementara, walau untuk hal ini ia juga harus membayarnya...
Hubungan mereka jauh dari fluff-ness! Jauh dari kesan drama yang berpanjang-panjang. Untuk mendeskripsikan bronzeshipping hanya satu kata yang tepat, dominasi. Hubungan saling menjatuhkan ini nggak bisa dikategorikan friendship atau partnership. Dua hal tersebut nggak bakal terjadi! Kalau pun ada author yang buat mereka begitu, pasti untuk urusan AU atau OOC. Jadi yang paling tepat sebelum buat fanfic/fanart tentang mereka adalah memahami karakter, seperti pairing lain, bronzeshipping ada ciri khas tersendiri yang harus kita pahami.

To be continue...